
Even if you are finally "cancer free" it will always be with you mentally

Friday, February 24, 2012

Half Way Point

Today I am getting my 3rd chemo treatment of 6. This means I am half way through this treatment journey. Time has gone by so quickly. I feel like a seasoned veteran, knowing what to expect and how to handle it, unless some new side effects show up. I've been working through the neuropathy and it isn't as bad as it was. The fatigue is the main side effect that seems to stay constant. The next 7 days or so will be the worst days, as the muscle and joint pain will put me out of commission but it will pass. But who knows...maybe it won't be as bad.  It could happen...

I received very good news from my doctor checkup yesterday, which makes all of this worthwhile. My CA125 is down again, significantly. 19, which is right in the middle of the normal range. This is outstanding news and is a positive thing. It means the chemo Is doing what it should.  I will be having a CT scan in the next 3 weeks (routine in this case).  I am hopeful that it will also show positive news.

I truly feel the support and comments from my friends, family and acquaintances has helped me get to this point.  Unless you go through this, you really have no clue how important that is.  In my case, even more so as we don't have family and friends close by, so I probably rely on my Facebook friend list more than I should.  Whatever gets you through the day is my thought.

My significant other, Jack, has also been very supportive.  Many days are rough--I'm hard to deal with when I'm well...and this ordeal has made me more moody, bitchy and demanding, but I think its normal considering the source.  Jack has his own idiosyncrasies as well.  To top it off, we are not used to being around each other 24/7 for months.  So the stress does come out.  But we get through it.  We have the same goal...for me to get well.

I'm on a "good news" high right now--that should help me get through the next week or so.

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