
Even if you are finally "cancer free" it will always be with you mentally

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Feeling Sorry for Myself

I don't like whiners.  I understand being upset over circumstances but I'm a "suck it up, buttercup" sort of person.  Pull up your big girl panties and get over it.

So here I am, whining.  I just had a pretty bad hour of feeling sorry for myself.  So I did what everyone does...I called my mom.  Who better to listen to your crying and whining than the one that has had to deal with it from day one.  But I got something even better.  My beautiful, little niece was there (gramma or as Averie calls her, Ding, babysits her while my sister runs her business).  Mom put Averie on the phone and all my sadness and fear just melted away.

Averie lost her first tooth today.  She thinks thats pretty cool.  Hearing her voice telling me about her tooth made my day.  And she has no clue that she did.

Averie is such a smart, sensitive but spunky little girl that is always busy as a bee.  She is now into drawing birds...she loves birds.  I had bought the Rio movie for her a few months back and she watches it endlessly.  Maybe thats why she loves birds.

Thank you, baby girl, for just being you.


  1. Awww, where does she live? Do you get to see her often? This is a sweet post. It's amazing how children can bring sunshine even on our worst days:).

  2. She's in Toledo. She was born on Valentine's day, 2007, the year I moved to Illinois. So I don't get to see her often but I'm working with my sister to get Skype up and running. It was a totally super call and really just washed away my lows. Averie is just so sweet. And funny too.
