
Even if you are finally "cancer free" it will always be with you mentally

Monday, January 2, 2012

Moving Forward

Talked to the chemo nurse today, I get the porta-cath surgically inserted on Wednesday and I will be starting chemotherapy this Friday.  The process on Friday will take 6 1/2 hours!!!!  I have a steroid drug to take prior to the chemo, to help prevent any reaction to one of the chemo drugs.  I also have some anti-nausea meds ready for after the chemo treatment. I hope that I will be spared many of the multitude of side effects. I hope my head isn't too ugly.  I may have a difficult time looking at it. LOL  I couldn't look at my hysterectomy site for some time after the surgery. 

I'm going to work tomorrow for the last time until mid year.  That sounds so strange and scary.  This all still seems so surreal, I can't believe it has come to this.  I really thought I was going to be able to pass up this poison they call chemotherapy, that I might be one of the fortunate ones.  But truthfully, after the exterior spots appeared, I knew the cancer was still in me, that it wasn't over yet.  This is probably why my CA125 number has never gone down to a level that made my oncologist happy, but all of the tests and scans did not show anything until recently.  Cancer is so insidious.  It  hides in your body, waiting until it finds the chance to show it's ugly face. 

So with a positive attitude, we will move forward through this week.

1 comment:

  1. I am wishing you strength and peace through this process. I SO wish you didn't have to do are an amazing and strong woman!
